Thursday, January 29, 2009

Womens health problems in Africa.

Today, in Africa, child and maternal death rates are some of the worst in the world. Did you know that three quarters of all Africans between the ages of 15 and 24 who are HIV positive, are women...That's just horrible!!!! The threat of HIV-AIDS grows each year, while millions of other women are in danger of other diseases such as malaria.

Woman's Work in Africa

Woman do not have the same rights as we do here in the USA. They are 31% of the labor Force in Africa. In most of Africa woman work twice the unpaid time men do. Why can't men just do some more work??? Not to mention women only get paid 3/4 the amount men do.... For the same amount of work! This is alot different than it is here. To me and Jade's opinion this is wrong!!!

The effect of woman and War

Men are more likely to be at war but women are affected by violence and the economy during a war. And as of right now there are tons of wars going on. Women in Africa and 80 percent of Refugees!Unfortunately, Woman may also become a victim of a war. That just does not sound very fair!!! Also, They are commonly displaced because of having to move over and over. Many parts of Africa keep breaking out in wars just leading to more women being refugees. That just sounds horrible...!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Boys have a better chance of going to school than girls. Some girls do get to go to school, but if they do, most would have to drop out early because of early marriage. Reasons why most girls do not go to school though, are because, they have to much work at home. Other reasons are because either they cant affford it, or the girls families do not think that it is important.
Girls that do get an education, usually have healthier families, because they can teach their kids what they leanred in school.

What amount are woman paid compared to men?
